We are the UK’s most successful procurement consultancy focused exclusively on the school sector

Helping school business managers to save time and money

Many of our customers face an incredibly tough challenge in meeting the financial needs of all their stakeholders, including parents, governors and academic staff.

We’re here to help you juggle the demands of time, money and compliance issues to ensure your procurement projects are a success!

If you want a personalised service, from enthusiastic and experienced specialists, who understand the problems you face, then you’re in the right place.

Certificate Number 24031
ISO 9001

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Success Stories

Cleaning Services

Swindon Academy is part of United Learning Trust.  The Academy prides itself on providing a safe, clean and secure environment for all students and staff…
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A Little Bit Of Love...

Service Guarantee

“We guarantee that you’ll be fully satisfied with our work or our services won’t cost you a penny”.

That’s it. Simple really. We just want to give you the peace of mind that we’ll deliver you some decent and tangible benefits or our services won’t cost you a penny.

Need assistance?

Our friendly Executive Assistant, Plum Garland is here to help. Call today: 01256 213242

Not feeling chatty? Email us at team@minervapcs.com