A Day In The Life Of Rhian Begg

Tell us something interesting about yourself we might not know?

In 1991 I took the Trans Siberian Express from Beijing and got stuck in a coup in Moscow. Slightly worrying to see a line of tanks outside your hotel window pointing towards Red Square. Thankfully it was all very peaceful and I live to tell the tale.

What’s your job title?

I am an Administrator.

Explain what that means in 20 words or less!

I think it means I can turn my hand to anything from sending out contracts, to organising events for School Business Leaders, to writing blogs and organising Webinars (bit longer than 20 words)

What’s the first thing you do when you get in the office or start work at your desk?

Turn the computer on, take a deep breath and say to my self “Right then, bring it on!”

Tea or coffee?

Coffee, then another coffee and another one……

On a typical day, what are your top 3 (work related!) priorities?

  • Answer all emails
  • Deal with all Minerva related work
  • Work on Berkshire and Oxfordshire School Business Leaders’ meetings

What did you get up to this morning?

This morning I sent out a PPAF to Gillotts School, ordered lunch for the next Oxfordshire Academies Business Managers Group and started to work on their slide pack for the next meeting. I am looking forward to the next one as it will involve lots of discussion and the group really enjoys the opportunity to meet face to face.

What do you do in your lunch break?

I always go for a walk without fail and whatever the weather.

What happened this afternoon?

I do not work in the afternoons (unless there is something really urgent) so today I loaded the dishwasher, did some shopping and cooked (totally rock and roll in my house).

Describe a ‘win’ moment you’ve had in the last month.

I love organising the meetings for School Business Leaders in Oxfordshire and Berkshire and I get a ‘win’ moment most months after a meeting because I know they have been useful and people have got a lot out of them. I always leave the meetings on a high (and that is not just down to the amount biscuits and cake consumed).

Has anything gone wrong recently? What happened?!

In a recent School Business Managers Meeting, a speaker had travelled 3 hours to present and then was called by the office to say that OFSTED had landed. In panic we thought we might lose her as she had to go straight back to the office. However, after a period of calm she was able to deliver an excellent session and we let her go straight afterwards – everything was fine in the end.

Are you a morning ‘up with the lark’ person or a night owl?

Definitely a morning person – I cannot understand the concept of a lie-in when there is always so much to do.

How do you spend your evenings/weekends?

Generally with the family, running my children wherever they want to go and cooking. With 3 sons and a husband I feel as if I run a café with the cry “What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner” a constant howl. I do love a good book though and try to put some time aside to read.

What do you most like about working for Minerva?

This will always sound like a cliché but I love the people, their dedication and the fact we work in the education sector which touches so many lives. No two days are ever the same and I love that variety

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Never say “no” to any opportunity (unless it is stupid, dangerous or illegal) because you just do not know where it might lead.

Your chosen specialist subject if you were on Mastermind?

Cooking for teenage boys.

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