With a decade of working with schools and academies on construction and estate management, both as a client and as a consultant, Jonathan Jones of MAC…
On the face of it, recruitment and retention may not seem to have a direct link to procurement. However, with rising resignation rates, we can expect to pay more for recruitment which further squeezes our budgets. We need to understand what the levers are that encourage retention.
MIS Procurement, on the surface appears straightforward with the DfE recommending suppliers and comparators but scratch below the surface and thinks can be a bit more complicated.
10th June 2022 is School Business Leader's Day - you were probably so busy that you did not even notice. We’re all aware of the continued challenges faced by the SBL community, But, as always, the SBL Community is there to support each other and lift people up when needed. What a bloody brilliant bunch you all are!
With costs rising and contractors thin on the ground, the key to successful compliance is forward planning, specifying to the detail the work you want done and excellent record keeping. Remember, even if you contract property management to a third party you are still the client and still responsible.
£300 billion of public procurement accounts for around a third of all public expenditure every year and is the largest area of public spending. For this reason, there has been a lot of focus on the opportunity to simplify the regulations now that we are no longer in the EU. Changes to how we procure in the public sector will be happening and it is vital that we get the rules and processes right.