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For those of you who know us well you’ll be fully aware that for the team here at Minerva exceptional customer service really is our ‘raison d’être’. I cannot tell you have much pleasure I derive from knowing that my team or I have delivered a ‘job well done’.
It’s a personal bugbear of mine when I see suppliers who are ripping off schools or providing p*ss poor service and I’m on a mission to rid them from the planet! But in order to do that we need to ‘walk the walk’ here at Minerva and that means delivering a service which really ‘wows’ our clients. Every. Single. Time.
What you might not be aware of is that for every project we complete we ask our customers for a Net Promoter Score® and specific feedback on how we’ve performed. Whilst we know we go out of our way to do a fantastic job we also know that we shouldn’t ever rest on our laurels and so getting that feedback on what could be done better is invaluable to us.
We wanted to find a way to capture how we plan to go about delivering extraordinary service on an ongoing basis. What do we need to do to make sure that we continue to progress? A team brainstorming session some time back resulted in the development of the Minerva Quality Standards – a set of ‘rules’ we plan to live by in all of our interactions both internally and externally.

There’s a big poster of this on our wall in the office and it’s a standard agenda item at our monthly team meetings so this isn’t just something we’ve dreamt up, popped on a piece of paper only for it to gather dust in the back of a drawer.
That’s also why I’m sharing the standards here again. To be publicly accountable. If we’re not delivering on any of these commitments, you make sure you let us know! By doing so you’ll be helping me and my brilliant team continue in our mission to deliver extraordinary service to all of you.
Lorraine Ashover, Director