Webinars - MT2 Season 01

Welcome to episode two of MT2. This week we have been to Bett but what is this week's tactic?
This week Lorraine does her best impression of Superman, minus the cape!
Watch out for those crafty insurance letters!
This week's MT2 Lorraine driving us crazy!
This week Lorraine has been to the dreaded dentist but what is this week's two minute tactic?
This week Lorraine is learning some new tactics for Minerva, but how does this apply to you?
This week Lorraine has been in London and has been taking advantage of benefits!
This week a number of suppliers have been subjected to Lorraine's questioning!
This week Lorraine is fuelling up and for once, it's not with fast food!
This week Lorraine is doing her best impression of a post box!
Lorraine should have taken a peg with her to record this week's MT2!
Lorraine has been racing around to bring you this week's MT2.
This week Lorraine has gone global!
This week Lorraine has been enjoying a 'small' glass of wine!
This week Lorraine bids goodbye to season one... Will she be back for season two?!
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