Catering Services

Saint Egwin's CofE Middle School


St Egwin’s CofE Middle School is a ‘Middle deemed secondary’ school based in Evesham, Worcestershire.  The school is co-educational and looks after around 450 pupils aged 10 to 13.  St Egwin’s have a strong ethos around wellbeing and celebrating their cultural diversity, with an increasing focus on environmental issues such as reducing plastic usage, recycling and waste management.

The Background

St Egwin’s CofE Middle School, like schools UK-wide, is suffering from budgetary pressures resulting in a forensic examination of all supplies of goods and services.  In addition, there is a requirement to run all procurement projects in a compliant manner.

One such area is their catering services provision.  The school had their catering service outsourced and needed to renew this for a 1 September 2024 commencement date.

Based on discussions, and the information provided, Minerva knew that the ‘whole life value’ of the contract would exceed the current Public Contracts Regulations 2015 threshold and so a PCR 2015 compliant tender process needed to be undertaken.

St Egwin’s CofE Middle School was looking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Procurement Specialist to undertake the PCR2015 compliant procurement exercise required to put in place a contract for a first-class catering service for the school.


In total seven catering contractors submitted a Selection Questionnaire response for the first stage of the “restricted procedure”.  Of the five then shortlisted to the ITT stage, three bidders submitted a complete bid. Those three suppliers were invited to a presentation day with the school representatives.  Aspens Services Ltd were awarded the contract.

Having submitted the most advantageous bid, and the highest scored ITT submission overall, Aspens Services demonstrated a thorough and well thought out approach to the Catering Services​ for St Egwin’s CofE Middle School.  Aspens displayed a good understanding of the requirements and their commitment to working in partnership with the school to achieve a good level of service.

Customer Feedback

Many thanks for all your work on the process. We’ve been incredibly well supported throughout the absolute minefield, and it has enabled us to reach a conclusion that will be in the best interests of our pupils and families.  I’ve nothing but praise for you and the way Minerva has handled the process.

Andy Collard, Headteacher of St Egwin’s CofE Middle School.

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