Gillotts School, located in the picturesque town of Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, is a well-regarded educational institution catering to the needs of a diverse student body. To ensure a safe and conducive learning environment, the school sought to improve its cleaning services through a robust procurement process. This case study outlines the successful cleaning procurement journey of Gillotts School, highlighting the achievements and benefits derived from the process.
The Background
In line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR2015), Gillotts School embarked on a comprehensive cleaning procurement process to enhance the cleanliness and hygiene standards across its premises. They engaged Minerva Procurement Consultancy Services Limited to assist them in navigating this complex procurement landscape.
Tender Process and Collaboration:
Under the guidance of Minerva, Gillotts School initiated a competitive tender process, complying with the PCR2015 regulations. The process involved defining the cleaning requirements, preparing tender documents, evaluating bids, and selecting a suitable cleaning service provider.
Throughout the process, Minerva provided expert advice, ensuring adherence to legal and regulatory aspects of public procurement. The approach helped Gillotts School make informed decisions and select the best-suited partner for their cleaning needs.
The successful procurement of cleaning services brought about several significant benefits to Gillotts School:
Improved Cleaning Standards: The selected cleaning service provider demonstrated a commitment to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene within the school premises. This led to a noticeable improvement in the overall learning environment for both students and staff.
Cost Efficiency: Through Minerva’s expertise in negotiating favourable terms, we significantly mitigated inflationary cost rises. This allowed the school to allocate resources to other essential educational activities.
Compliance with Regulations: The adherence to PCR2015 regulations ensured that the procurement process was fair, transparent, and legally sound, mitigating any potential risks or disputes.
Customer Feedback
Karen Barker, School Business Manager at Gillotts School, expressed her gratitude, saying, “Many thanks for this and for all your support.”