Recorded on:
Tuesday May 31 2022 11:30 am
Length: 30 mins

Webinar Recording: Low Carbon Skills Fund Phase 3: Take the next step towards a low-carbon heated school

Up to £14 million of funding is to be made available by The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in Phase 3 of the Salix Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF). Join Chris Jermy, Head of Business Development, Education, in this session where he’ll share his wisdom and experience from rounds one and two to help MATs understand the next steps to prepare their funding bids.

Successful applicants of the funding will access grants to enable them to engage the specialist and expert advice and skills required from consultants, such as Zenergi, to put in place or improve an existing heat decarbonisation plan.

This session is essential viewing for any MAT that can act quickly to work with Zenergi on the preparation of the funding bid and subsequently deploy the grant to focus their schools’ heat decarbonisation.

Since the window for accessing the funding is very limited, we outline the key dates and the urgent next steps required to enable MATs the best chance of accessing it. We also provide a summary of broader energy efficiency measures and building improvements that can be implemented alongside heat decarbonisation projects.

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