With 1800 pupils on roll (1500 in Yrs. 7-11, 300 in Sixth Form) and over 200 staff, Copleston High School is one of the largest schools in Suffolk. The school converted to academy status in 2011 and is increasingly using this change to positive effect in all aspects of the school management, including procurement.
The Background
The school had an existing reprographics contract with Konica Minolta which expired in autumn 2014.
The contract value was in the region of £250,000 and the school were required to run the procurement exercise for awarding the new contract in a clear, transparent and compliant manner as required by the Department for Education.
Aware of the significant time investment required to complete such a project, when personnel still have ‘the day job’ to undertake, the school engaged Minerva to run it on their behalf whilst working closely with them.
Key requirements
• A new contract to be in place by autumn 2014
• Solution to be at least cost neutral and ideally cost saving, but not at the expensive of service i.e. there is a need for a value for money solution (70%/30% split with service being 70%)
• A 3 year contract (with a contingency of 5 years should 3 years not be financially viable)
• OJEU compliant procurement process capable of passing even the most stringent of audits
• Desktop devices to be replaced with Multi-Functional Device provision
• Full print management capability
• Ability to produce more documents in-house and to a high standard i.e. school magazine and prospectus
What did Minerva deliver?
• A robust timetable ensuring compliance with OJEU deadlines
• Production and publication of the OJEU Contract Notice
• Detailed Memorandum of Information (MoI), Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation
• Full management of the tender process including administrative arrangements, Supplier communications, meeting minutes, site visits, advice, support and recommendations.
• An extremely comprehensive ‘Procurement Audit Report’ including, but not limited to, financial analysis of suppliers, references, insurance cover, accreditations, scoring methodology and weighting assessment.
• Publication of the Contract Award Notice
• Post project OJEU procurement report to meet Public Contracts Regulation requirements
The Results
• A reduction of overall device numbers from 100 down to 57
• A greater proportion of Multi-Functional Devices versus desktop printers
• Significant increase in device functionality for many users
• Full print management capability enabling monitoring of usage, suite of MI reports available, PIN coded release of printing and default to mono and duplex printing
• ‘Follow Me’ printing enabling users to release documents on the device most convenient to their location
• Provision of print management software enabling automated internal ‘billing’ for print work including bespoke finishing requirements such as binding and laminating
• Brand new large format printer
• Significantly upgraded light production colour device in print room enabling wider variety, and better quality, document production
• All of the above provided at a minimum of a cost neutral outcome with the likelihood of cost reductions once print management fully operational
Post completion of the project Minerva remained on hand to assist with any queries and with the implementation.
Customer Feedback
“I have been delighted with the way you have handled the whole complex tender process on our behalf. Everything has been dealt with really professionally. You have delivered really good value and a really positive outcome for the school.”
Shaun Common, Principal, Copleston High School
“Minerva provided a comprehensive service which saved key members of staff involved in the project many hours of supplementary work. There were additionally significant advantages to having Minerva acting as a conduit between suppliers and the school. The quality of Minerva’s work was outstanding throughout the project and the provision of an end of project complete audit trail invaluable. I would unreservedly recommend Minerva to any like organisation seeking to stay fully compliant whilst negotiating complex procurement contracts in a very competitive marketplace.
Keith Morton, Marketing and Reprographics Manager, Copleston High School